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水 果 篇

Fruits Make Beauties

Fruits Facial

Fruit Function Method
Cucumber  青瓜 moisturizes skin     補充水份

removes dark circles under eyes   去黑眼圈

Cut cucumber thinly and place onto your face for

將青瓜切片敷於面上約            5-10 mins.

Lemon, Orange 


rich in Vitamin C       含豐富維他命C,

helps whiten your skin        有助漂白及淡化黑色素

Cut lemon or orange into pieces, then place onto your face for 直接把檸檬/橙片敷於面上

10-15 mins

Sugar-cane 竹蔗 produces AHA     能提煉 AHA

helps whiten skin  有漂白作用

Mix sugar-cane juice with power and place onto your face for 搾出蔗汁, 加入適量粉開成糊狀敷面

10-15 mins

Watermelon 西瓜 detoxifies sensitive skin and acne 

清熱消毒, 針對敏感及暗瘡性皮膚

Lightly brush the acne with the slices of watermelon


Banana 香蕉 improves sensitive skin    能減退敏感性皮膚

helps reduce red marks   有助減退面上紅印

Cut banana into pieces, then place onto the red marks for


 10 mins

Papaya 木瓜

produces enzymes:     能產生酵素 

removes corneal layer      去角質層

whitening effect        有美白功效

Roughly mash the papaya and place onto your face for


 15-20 mins

Tomato 番茄 contains Vitamin C               含豐富維他命C

dilutes the colour of dark spots   有助淡化斑的顏色

Roughly mash the tomato or mix with power until it becomes gluey and place onto your face for


 15-20 mins